Do You Believe In Astrology?

Do You Believe That Astrology Can Play A Role In Our Health Condition And Illnesses?


Illness can be extremely stressful and mind boggling when one is going through it; especially if it happens to recur or becomes long standing. In spite of the best medical achievements many times one looks for help elsewhere including divine intervention in dealing with this stress. The patient and the family may want some indication as to where the whole thing is going.

Is there some other science or art that can help you cope with illnesses when you are bogged down with them?

Can you imagine that in such times of stress a qualified doctor also a qualified astrologer can give some indications as to where one is going?

Would you like me Dr. Sudha Tinaikar a qualified Medical Doctor and a qualified Medical astrologer to give you a helping hand?

Let me take you through what I can do as a Medical Astrologer.

What is Medical Astrology?

The word Astrology evokes varied responses from hostility to indifference. Some call it a hoax outright.


Vedic astrology is a very solid science based absolutely on astronomical laws. Used by a well-trained astrologer, it can add great value to one’s life. Astrology studies the influence of the planets in our solar system on the individual human beings. Science has proved a strong connection between the cosmos and the individual. In the hands of a trained and scientific astrologer, it is a wonderful tool, more so if it happens to be a qualified medical professional.


Vedic astrology can be adapted and blended beautifully with many modern branches of science and technology. Medical Astrology is such a unique blend of our ancient astrological wisdom and modern medicine.

What Can Medical Astrology Indicate?

A  Medical Astrologer uses the birth chart as the tool for reading and counseling. scientific reading of an individual’s birth chart can indicate the following:-

  1. General health condition
  2. Possible Acute and chronic disease likely to appear in one’s life time.
  3. Roughly the age and time of life such health issues can appear.
  4. Possibilities of hospitalization and surgical intervention 
  5. Prognosis or how the disease will progress.
  6. Recovery or death in serious health conditions.
  7. Reasons for failure to conceive ( infertility) and options. This is one of the most important and useful readings in present times.
  8. Warning indications for appearance of health issues at particular times of one’s life.

What Data Does A Medical Astrologer Need From The Person Seeking Help ?

Simple. Only 3 main bits of information are needed for a reading in Medical Astrology.

  1. Date Of Birth
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Time of Birth.
  4. Personal details of the person seeking the reading.

— A doctor medical astrologer may ask for your brief medical history in certain situations.